Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Mini Session | {Kent Family Photographer}

 How cute is this child! Love his smile!
 This fam has some serious Seahawk fever, this is Ethan doing his TOUCHDOWN! pose, littlest 12th man? Certainly one of the cutest!
 He looks amused, no?
 goofy monkey
 Happy Halloween!

Hall Family | {Tacoma Family & Childrens Photographer}

Abe's Mom requested colorful fall leaves for his 18 month photo session, I think Wright park delivered!
He has visited pretty regularly for photo sessions since he was born, watching the newborns grow up is a pretty awesome part of this career

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Amanda & James | {Tukwila Wedding Photographer}

Congratulations Amanda & James, a day full of happy tears, laughter, friends, and family. Thank you for allowing me to document your day, it was a pleasure.